1. Add node after the first one is set up immediately, choose Add another Node 
  2. or add node later, go to App main page, tap Menu (3 lines sign) at top left corner
  3. เลือก Set Up a New Product
  4. Recommend to place node at proper place within the range of other node (1 node will cover around 2,000 square feet depending on the house style)
  5. Place it out in the open
  6. Prepare node, Power cord then press Next
  7. Plug in a node into Power source, if it’s too far, the light will be yellow
  8. Wait for the light to turn purple (around 1-2 minutes), if yes, press “The Light is purple”
  9. If the light doesn’t turn purple, press “Reset” button under node for 10 seconds to make it reset and wait until the light turns purple 
  10. When a message “Found a node” appears, press Next
  11. Wait for node to connect to other nodes
  12. After completely connected node, press Next
  13. Your new node is looking good in this spot, press Next
  14. Choose preferred room then press Next
  15. After successfully setup, it’ll show selected room and node name, press Next
  16. To set up 3rd node, follow previous setup steps until finding page “Give your node a name” then press Next
  17. After successfully setup, it’ll show selected room and node name, press Next
  18. Select That’s it for Now
  19. Tick a check, press Next
  20. Wait for loading for a while
  21. Your Wi-Fi is ready for you
  22. Wait for loading for a while
  23. After completely setup, you’ll find App’s main page, if not yet confirm Email, there’ll be a message to check Email first
  24. For advance setting or device problem, contact Call Center Linksys tel. 092-273-4111, Monday-Friday 9.00-18.00 hrs.

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