- Add node after the first one is set up immediately, choose Add another Node
- or add node later, go to App main page, tap Menu (3 lines sign) at top left corner
- เลือก Set Up a New Product
- Recommend to place node at proper place within the range of other node (1 node will cover around 2,000 square feet depending on the house style)
- Place it out in the open
- Prepare node, Power cord then press Next
- Plug in a node into Power source, if it’s too far, the light will be yellow
- Wait for the light to turn purple (around 1-2 minutes), if yes, press “The Light is purple”
- If the light doesn’t turn purple, press “Reset” button under node for 10 seconds to make it reset and wait until the light turns purple
- When a message “Found a node” appears, press Next
- Wait for node to connect to other nodes
- After completely connected node, press Next
- Your new node is looking good in this spot, press Next
- Choose preferred room then press Next
- After successfully setup, it’ll show selected room and node name, press Next
- To set up 3rd node, follow previous setup steps until finding page “Give your node a name” then press Next
- After successfully setup, it’ll show selected room and node name, press Next
- Select That’s it for Now
- Tick a check, press Next
- Wait for loading for a while
- Your Wi-Fi is ready for you
- Wait for loading for a while
- After completely setup, you’ll find App’s main page, if not yet confirm Email, there’ll be a message to check Email first
- For advance setting or device problem, contact Call Center Linksys tel. 092-273-4111, Monday-Friday 9.00-18.00 hrs.