Factory data reset for True SMART 4G MAX 5.5

  1. On Home screen, select [Settings]
  2. Select [Factory data reset]
  3. And then [Factory data reset]
  4. Then choose [Reset phone]
  5. Press [Erase everything] to confirm delete again
  6. After setting, it will lead to [Welcome], press [Next]
  7. Processing... wait or press [Skip]
  8. Connect Wi-Fi or press [Skip]
  9. Then press [Skip]
  10. Set date, time and Time Zone then press [Next]
  11. Enter phone name then press [Next]
  12. Enter PIN, if not, remove a check mark then press [Next]
  13. If not setting PIN, press [Skip]
  14. Read the conditions, swipe screen down then press [Next]
  15. Press [Next] to start
  16. Phone is ready to use

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