Use Wi-Fi on True SMART 4G P1 Series

  1. On main screen, tap ^ to view all Apps
  2. Tap (Settings) > (Network & Internet)
  3. If Wi-Fi is turned off, tap a button to turn on
  4. A button turns green, status = On, Wi-Fi network in that area will appear, tap .@ TRUEWIFI 
  5. Optaining IP address… Status will change to (Connected) and a notification to Sign in to Wi-Fi network “ .@ TRUEWIFI”> tap this
  6. If do not find a notification to Sign in to Wi-Fi network, swipe screen down to find (Notification Center), you’ll find a notification (Sign in to Wi-Fi network)“ .@ TRUEWIFI”> tap this
  7. System will automatically open a Web Browser to Website for sign in Trueinternet or TrueWiFi 
  8. Enter (Username) + (Password) then tap (LOGIN) >  back to Wi-Fi page, status .@ TRUEWIFI is (Connected)
  9. A fan sign with up-down arrows that means there’s data transmission
  10. Check connection status > tap .@ TRUEWIFI , connected Wi-Fi information > to delete Wi-Fi history, tap (Forget)
  11. Enable via Shortcut : swipe screen down twice : 1st time you’ll find (Notification Center) > 2nd time you’ll find (Control Center) , tap Wi-Fi sign, it turns black = enabled

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